With 30 years’ experiences of working with the nation’s representative chain restaurants and caterers, Foodist understands the operational needs of the industry. Foodist brings together more than 20,000 SKU of goods from HACCP-certified suppliers, seamless nation-wide cold chain and client support programs.

20,000 SKU of goods
only from HACCP-certified suppliers
20,000 SKU of goods
only from HACCP-certified suppliers

Nation-wide same-day delivery
Nation-wide same-day delivery

Food Safety
Food safety systems monitored by
its own food lab, qualified by the
national food safety authority
Food safety systems monitored by
its own food lab, qualified by the
national food safety authority
Our clients
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- 4,000 caterers at B&I, education, military and healthcare facilities
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- 2,000 chain and independent restaurants, resorts, and hotels Foodist provides all manner of client support services including:
ㆍEducation on customer satisfaction (CS), food safety and sexual harassment prevention or benchmarking;
ㆍConsulting on food safety, culinary skills, menus and other promotions;
ㆍIT support (order placing, food origin tracking)